Woman speak on average 20 000 words per day When our words are not used effectively we step out of the purpose of God, We miss out on the purpose and the very reason of the gift of words..." Yes, having the ability to speak is a gift."

When our gift is not used correctly..."The enemy has work for idle hands are true" In this instance we find our words are now complaining, slander, break rather than build. What we don't realize is that we speak as the voice of God in the earth. God has given us these words because He knew that He could trust us. He placed a gentle spirit within us, one that nutures it is in our nature.

You see we have been given a beautiful assignment of prayer where we can utilize our words in an effectual way. To be gifted in the area to pray for our loved ones, to pray for our family, friends, community, schools, cities, nations.

The words we begin to speak should be words that are sweet as honey, words that will be used to speak healing, words that will showcase love and humility, words that will build, words that will guide and give directive, words of affirmation,words that come straight from God.

O Lord I pray "Let the words of my Lips the meditation of my heart, let it be acceptable to you".

The Shulamite